Following the craze resulting from the collaboration between Daft Punk and Pharrell titled “Get Lucky” off of...
Los Angeles watch out. There’s two new kids on the block and they’re flying by the name...
The remixes of “Wonder” by the Canadian lovestep duo keep flowing in, and to be honest, it’s...
Deadmau5 opened up a whole world of hurt for Wildstylez last week after
One might wonder: where do you begin when you decide that you want to leave every single...
Deadmau5 has taken it up with Wildstylez via Twitter, claiming that supposedly Wildstylez has ripped off Deadmau5′...
I wanted to get this remix out earlier, but somehow it was left on the back burner...
Shwann (The Futuristic Samurai DJ) hit me with a private preview of this track last month asking...
When recruiting a producer to remix a song titled “Los Angeles,” you might consider recruiting a Los...
It’s Halloween year-round for FIGURE. If you haven’t discovered this by now, there’s probably a lot that...