Sharkoffs has returned with yet another monstrous electro banger, this time titled “Beast Mode,” and guess what?...
After releasing a preview last week, now we have the full version of Mac Miller’s kick-back tune...
After announcing his prelude EP to Man On The Moon 3 during a
With the release of never Say Die Records’ Never Say Die Fifty yesterday, we wanted to highlight...
Damn Wright continues to make waves of noise with his massive trap remixes that have been sweeping...
We’ve got a fresh taste of what’s to come off Getter’s Thriller EP dropping on December 17th...
Let’s bring in the new year with a huge trap-style remix of “First Of The Year (Equinox),”...
Whose got 5 on it? You know we always got 5 on it here at TSS. Talk...
Flosstradamus is one name in electronic dance music that continues to bridge the closing gap between EDM...
Russia is back as the powerhouse DMNDZ duo releases a fierce trap remix of Eminem’s huge hip...