Cappa Regime is a DJ trio composed of Jake Kasheta, Shane Sherzai, and Rob “Electric” Enea who...
Sharkoffs has been on fire since his debut a few months back, and after releasing his amazing...
New York’s up-and-coming hip hop artist Chae Hawk has just finished up the visuals for his latest...
Producers Metaphase & RAS have put their heads together to collaborate on this insanely heavy reggae-infused dubstep...
A-Trak once again proves that anything he touches immediately turns into gold with his fresh electro house...
It looks like twerking is more dangerous than we all thought as this girls’ twerk video causes...
Kill The Noise has just swept the EDM world by storm once again with the release of...
Our friend Sam F has just released his new tune “Grey (Original Mix)” via Play Me Records,...
Have you ever encountered an angry moose in the wild? Me neither, but I wouldn’t want to,...
Here’s another new track submitted to us from an up-and-coming Texas-based producer going by the stage name...