Justin Blaus’ story began several years ago, and what began as a hobby of creating mashups as...
The tension is building around the imminent release of Chromeo’s LP “White Woman”. So what better way...
If you are lucky enough to live in the northern hemisphere, then your next few months are...
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the trillest of them all? Why Deadmau5 & Bun B out...
Right now there are only two artists who’s remixes make the hair on my back stand on...
If you followed the action and excitement around Ultra and Coachella, you’re sure to have heard this...
Miami producer Henrix has given us a preview of his new single “Shake Your Money Maker” and...
In the ever growing EDM scene Australia is definitely a big player, only second to the US...
Hardwell’s killer single “Dare You”, which features the voice of EDM (Matthew Koma) is back for its...
DERP! – “A phrase used when someone says or does something stupid or idiotic”. To be completely...