Felix Cartal continues his hot streak with the release of his new single. “Walking By,” which is...
Steve Aoki and Quintino joined forces to create their new electronic track, “Mayhem” and it’s out of...
In the midst of Miami Music Week, legendary artist, DJ Snake made quite the announcement. The French...
Claptone teamed up with London duo, TENDER on his latest track and it’s out of this world. “Stay...
Jenaux is back and better than ever with an epic new single. The NYC-based artist dropped “Give...
Robotaki is back with another hit and we can’t stop listening. “Butterscotch,” featuring Jamie Fine and falcxne, is...
ARIUS has done it again! The California bass duo dropped a new track with Born I Music...
Tyron Hapi and Liam Ferrari just dropped the ultimate collaboration and we can’t stop listening. “I Like...
Slowz is back in a big way with the release of his new EP. The French producer...
Up-and-coming electronic duo, Hi I’m Ghost dropped a new EP and we can’t stop listening. ‘Ghost Boogie,”...