WHOAA, a genre-bending, culture shocking duo, with a “Pop-Rap-Rock” edge from Cincinnati, Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia, recently...
DYLUXE, an up-and-coming DJ/Producer based in San Diego, California, recently dropped his very first all original track...
SYROSCAPE, a music project created by singer/songwriter Derek Schuttpelz from Tempe, Arizona, recently teamed up with Australian...
UNKNØWN, a DJ/Producer hailing all the way from Italy, recently released his latest EP called, “14Ø”. This...
Diplo recently teamed up with rising Mad Decent producer Bad Royale to give Migos’, Atlanta’s very own...
Feeniks, a DJ/Producer hailing all the way from Basel, Switzerland, recently hit us with his latest all...
Back again with this week’s Weekly Rising Talent: Slap Pack series, wherein we feature the top tracks...
Jerry Wallis, a DJ/Producer hailing all the way from France, recently released his latest mix, an all...
ERIK, a DJ/Producer from Connecticut, recently dropped his latest single called, “Repeat” featuring some of his buddies,...
DJCJ teams up with fellow DJ/Producer and Los Angeles native, Bloodtone to serve up a sweet new...