As originally premiered during Armin van Buuren’s “Armin Only” tour in the Netherlands, the infamous, catchy, and...
Compton rapper, YG, has finally released his long awaited album “My Krazy Life”. As Kid Ink said...
Though, the Swedish House Mafia may be no more (for now), it’s still a very special treat...
It’s been record breaking year for the world renowned Dutch label, Spinnin’ Records, as this year to...
Truthfully, it’s not everyday you have a producer feature his own vocals on a (nope, not progressive)...
As we featured Chris Rishard’s remix of Chris Brown & Kid Ink’s “Show Me” a few weeks...
As “Pure Evil” by Jauz & Sullivan King nears just 2 days away from it’s release on...
Music has become something that consumes our lives on a daily basis. Whether we are heading to...
Carnage, just days away from his release of “Krakatoa” a collaboration between Junkie Kid, we decided to...
Recently Virtual Riot, along with Spag Heddy, Hellberg, Cutline, & Dilemn, dropped a remix of Astronaut’s “Quantum”....