Over the past year, Monstercat has ruled Soundcloud as one of the most diverse and talented labels...
Bear Grillz, Trollphace, Getter, ETC!ETC!, and DJ BL3ND. These are the names that will grace your eardrums...
Press play and prepare to become dazed with the musical masterpiece that is “King Of The Hill,”...
Bassnectar is a busy man. We know that he’s been in the studio a lot as of...
After a year off the road and in the studio, UK group Modestep has reemerged from the...
SWEEEZY, a DJ/Producer from Iowa, hits us with his latest production, an all original mix called, “Hey!”....
Joyride has quickly been making a name for himself, with 4 bangin’ originals in the last month...
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve got real grimey with a tune. It’s almost ironic that the...
Jauz has taken on a leviathan with his future house remix of Rusko’s smash hit, “Jahova”. The...
This was a pleasant surprise to come across on my daily Soundcloud binge. Coffi and Bukez Finezt,...