As premiered by Skrillex himself during his private Sirius XM Slipper Room set in NYC last month,...
Alone, Dark Heart, Safe, Monsters and Wave. These are the names of the 5 monstrous tracks that...
Said The Sky is back with another ethereal remix, this time reworking The Tunnel, an eerily beautiful...
It’s time to take it back to future- and I don’t mean Marty McFly style. Fresh from...
Over the last few months, Kannibalen Records have been in a music releasing frenzy, and tlast week’s...
It’s been about 6 months since Terravita dropped their last LP and if you’re like me you’re...
Have you ever gone on a Soundcloud escapade searching for unknown,incredibly talented artists? Well if you’re like...
Ladies and gentlemen this is genre blending at its finest. Three Korean producers, Macrohard, B Gamut, and...
Featuring tunes from all different genres of bass music, this compilation from Artikal Music will be one...
The original king of crunk is back and he brought Slim Thug with him. Crizzly, the originator...