Adventure Club Dubstep is a duo hailing from Montreal, Canada that was formed in early 2011. This duo is a production ouftit / dj duo birthed by local musicians Christian Srigley & Leighton James. After a blitz in the studio, they’ve released 5 tracks with an upcoming EP to hit the scene...
Here’s the second Skrillex collaboration of the day; you guys are STOKED! This is Skrillex & Nero’s new collaboration remix of Nero’s recent vocal dubstep track ‘Promises’ featuring fellow British producer, Sub Focus. This is for sure going to be one of my favorite tracks of the month. The calming intro only...
What a weekend! We saw Avicii at Hard Rock’s Intervention yesterday, he KILLED IT. But now it’s back to the music. I haven’t posted any Pretty Lights in awhile, but luckily they’re back with the first release for the Pretty Lights 2011 Remix collection, which samples Radiohead’s ‘Everything in its Right Place,’...
It’s about that time of week again for me to drop some filth on your day with FILTHY FRIDAY #17! I’ve got a whole MESS of sick tracks for all you filth fans out there on this beautiful Filthy Friday. I’m starting this mess off with Document One’s new filthy vocal dubstep...
Here’s the latest track from dubstep producer Benga called ‘Smack Your Bitch Up.’ Benga released this track with a message, “eat your heart out planet earth, been wanting to do something nice for a while now so i thought why not give it out for free!” Releasing this track for free certainly...
ZEDS DEAD BABY! The mind-blowing Canadian dubstep duo behind Zeds Dead has teamed up with The Killabits to produce their new bass-heavy collaboration called ‘Just Hold Me.’ Zeds Dead has been featured countless times on TSS due to their deep, scratchy bass lines and innovative dubstep hip hop music. This time they...
It’s about that time of week again for me to drop some filth on your day with FILTHY FRIDAY #15! You might want to jump in the shower after hearing these tracks to wash off the dirt and grim that’s blasting out of your speakers. I’ve got a whole mess of sick...
K Theory is a up-and-coming dubstep duo coming out of San Fransisco, California who have been releasing a ton of free remixes on their fan page. Their appearances are best remembered as ultra-high energy explosions of original productions, live sound, and the hardest in broken-beat, dubstep, and drum & bass. This is...
Recently Flux Pavilion hosted a show alongside Doctor P on BBC Radio 1. The result was this 2-hour long mix of bass-heavy dubstep that has the potential of blowing out your speakers, or your eardrums; whichever one comes first. This mix is comprised of some of the best dubstep tracks out right...
Nero is back at it again this time teaming up with fellow British producer Sub Focus to create their new vocal dubstep track ‘Promises.’ This track isn’t as heavy as most of Nero’s original mixes, but it’s a perfect blend of drum and bass, vocals, and bass. ‘Promises’ will definitely be getting...