Our friend The Chaotic Good who we’ve premiered many time in the past is back with a...
The internationally known production trio Cash Cash has just dropped their incredible official remix of Showtek’s festival...
Trademark’s latest mashup endeavor, ‘Think I Need U’ is yet another cool blend of tracks like ‘Thinking...
Swedish DJ/Producer duo Forever Kid specialize in revamping vintage songs from years past, and this new track...
Who doesn’t like a nice Aaron Paul vocal sample every now and then? Boombox Cartel has gained...
Flux Pavilion uploaded a picture of himself in the studio with Steve Aoki a few months back,...
I finally get to share my opinion about the “EDM” scene and how it is supposedly becoming...
Krewella’s “Live For The Night” was the first single off of their latest Get Wet project, and...
Dada Life’s latest electrohouse banger has been on our radar since their EDC set, but it finally...
Now here’s a little something to get you going this week! Lucky Date continues to impress me...