ScHoolboy Q has released yet another single titled “Man Of The Year” produced By Nez & Rio...
G-Eazy drops yet another timeless hip hop masterpiece titled “Far Alone” produced by himself, Jay Ant and Christoph Andersson. The flow one this track is so smooth all the way through with verse after verse of non-stop gold from G-Eazy. This one will be on my kick-back playlist for months to come....
Both DJ Scene and JayCeeOh are prominent figures in the world of turnt-up electronic dance music, so...
First off, Baauer is the man. Two days ago he announced that for the rest of his...
MMG’s Gunplay recruits Young Money’s Lil Wayne and MMG president Rick Ross to team up and spit...
For the past few years Connecticut rapper Chris Webby has been hard at work paying his dues...
Ever since Flume revealed the incredibly stacked track list for his forthcoming self-titled mixtape project, we have...
This is YONAS’ debut appearance on TSS and I don’t know what we have been thinking. For...
Xzibit, B Real and Demrick present their first project together as the group, Serial Killers. Halloween is...
Eminem has shocked the world and upped the bar for hip hop once again, releasing his newest...