The production duo by the name of Goshfather & Jinco are back at it once again. This...
The up-and-coming Canadian production duo, Kayliox, is seriously making moves. Creating very high quality future house dance...
Wow. I’m truly so impressed right now. The original “Dangerous” from David Guetta …..not so impressive (in...
Johnny Tremz, a DJ/Producer based in New York, shares with us his very own big room take...
Press play on this track and close your eyes. You’re immediately traveled to an exotic island, sitting...
The rapidly rising UK-based producer, jackLNDN is back to making huge waves across the web following up...
The name Charlie Darker might be one that rings a bell. He has been making quite the...
After his two mind blowing releases with Problem and YG, Destructo has finally dropped his “West Coast”...
The Masta Blasta, Mr. Dillon Francis himself is back at it again rebirthing another one of his...
I love remixes like this because it really highlights the producer’s creative talents. Making a high intensity...