Germany’s young gun, Felix Jaehn, seems to be an artist who is inherently gifted as he’s climbed...
Leave it to the one and only Boys Noize to deliver a very special gift. The kids...
As Adventure Club prepares to take over New York City once again with their friends, Paper Diamond,...
Since the holidays are more about giving than receiving (or, at least, they’re supposed to be) KANDY...
While 2015 slowly comes to a close, record labels across that would have begun taking a look...
The 219 Boys are back with another episode of the #LOWLiFE Series, and this month they’ve got...
Electric Paradise Music Festival is gearing up for its second edition, set to go down on the...
How about a nice treat to start your week? Last week, we found out HARD was releasing...
We’ve been covering the refreshing Dutch house sounds of the one and only monkeyboy for quite some...
Fresh off the release of his 7 free edits, Wax Motif‘s set from HARD Day of the...