As our icy friend prepares for his DJ debut at HARD Summer before embarking on his official...
If you follow Slushii on Twitter, you know is a simple man. He loves his video games,...
Ookay‘s “Thief” is arguably one of the biggest tunes out right now and is sure to stay...
Things may beginning to heat up, but luckily for us, we have Slushii to keep us cool...
Since his first release on Soundcloud, Slushii has continuously dazzled and hypnotized the hearts (and ears) of...
The reign of Slushii continues with his latest remix which just so happens to be an official...
After breaking the internet with it’s Lineup Announcement and Official Trailer, HARD Summer has decided to take...
By now the world of electronic music has learned Slushii can simply do it all as a...
Our mysterious friend Slushii has been making some serious noise since emerging onto the scene (literally and...
While the identity of Slushii has remained a mystery, the DJ’s signature sound and remixes have become...