Already fan favorites amongst the Ophelia Records community, Jason Ross and Trivecta have finally released their debut...
The time has finally come, Trivecta has unveiled the final single “Back to the Start” off this...
After breaking the big news of his forthcoming debut album with the release of the lead single...
Known for being a true melodic mastermind when it comes to bass music, Trivecta has returned to...
After dropping Ophelia Records‘ “2020 Year End Mix,” Trivecta starts 2021 in a big way with his...
After having himself quite the year with a steady barrage of new music, Trivecta has been called...
Ophelia Records fans rejoice, the first official collaboration between Trivecta and Last Heroes is finally here! Coming...
Gather around Ophelia fans, we’ve got the ultimate clash of the titans with Trivecta putting his own...
After hitting us with the release of Last Heroes’ “Dreaming,” Seven Lions’ Ophelia Records has struck again...
Last month, Trivecta made quite a lasting impression with the release of his solo debut on Ophelia...