The Seattle based duo, ODESZA, is nearing in towards their much anticipated release date of their upcoming...
Moobah king, taco lover and American cousin of DJ Hanzel, Mr. Dillon Francis has some big news!...
It isn’t every day that you watch a video that was written, shot and directed by the...
Deep house may have found its roots in Chicago, but lately London is on top of the...
The production duo of Harrison Mills (Catacombkid) and Clayton Knight (BeachesBeaches) from Seattle who together make up...
I had a chance to catch up with legendary producer/DJ Jes, and discuss the release of her...
Diplo announced that his collaborative project with Skrillex, JACK U, will be getting an album soon. @yadiel1996...
Since his 2011 debut album, “Glass Swords”, that gained so much support and influence on where electronic...
We are only getting closer and closer to that moment when we can clutch onto the 12″...
The acclaimed 21 year old Moldavian prince of trance, Andrew Rayel, released his debut artist album “Find...