Following a string of boundary-pushing releases throughout the year on the London label, Duck Sauce has returned...
After making their triumphant return with “Smiley Face,” Duck Sauce has struck again with their newest club-ready...
After six long years, Armand Van Helden and A-Trak has decided to get back into the studio...
When it comes to timeless classics in the world of electronic dance music, it’s safe to say...
Skrillex, Kill The Noise, and Milo and Otis all teamed up and remixed Duck Sauce’s “NRG” smash...
Last year we saw Skrillex, Kill The Noise, and Milo & Otis remix Duck Sauce’s disco tune...
Last month, HARD Summer unveiled the annual Summer Series mixtapes with the help of the lovely lady...
Who’s ready to stop, drop, and #Ravercise?! Yesterday, Brazzabelle released into the world the second episode to...
As you know We’ve been doing our best to bring you the latest and great videos buzzing...
Two weekends of Coachella craziness have now come and gone. For those who were in attendance this...