While the live-action film Ghost in the Shell continues to climb the Box Office charts, the remake...
L.A based duo Phantoms, Vinnie Pergola and Kyle Kaplan, are about to take over the electronic music...
Unleashing another track just after his hit “Stronger” is Chicago’s own Manic Focus. This time he’s teamed...
Electronic music is staying afloat by groups like Autograf who release heartfelt music that is real as...
LOUDPVCK has fans everywhere hypnotized with the release of their new track, “Gone.” “Gone” is the electronic banger...
Artist collective Daruma, with an all-star group of members such as Electric Mantis, Andrew Luce, Graves, MYRNE,...
If you every says to yourself “there aren’t enough new artists in the world of electronic music,”...
After falling in love with Val Fleury’s hit single “Rain Dancing,” it only makes sense that an...
Wow, what a tune eh? Oliver Ingrosso is new to my ears but his last name isn’t....
The summer just wouldn’t be the same if there weren’t a healthy dose of Calvin Harris in...