Throughout the year, The Chainsmokers unveiled a slew of new tracks with their latest offering “Hope” serving...
Fresh off of his flip of Flume‘s “Helix,” Slooze continues to prove to be a force to...
Over the past year, Justice Skolnik has turned into quite the remix aficionado hitting us with simply...
The wait is almost over Kingdom Hearts lovers, Kingdom Hearts III is officially set to be released...
Just a week after being featured on Zeds Dead‘s latest label compilation, We Are Deadbeats III, Ducky...
The boys are back! LMBO is an impressive duo that is on the verge of creating some...
It’s about to get a little country in here! Not really, but one of our favorite up-and-coming...
Still riding the waves of his mind-blowing Emerge EP, it’s safe to say Warden made a lasting...
It’s always a good day when we’re sharing some new NERO music! As we learned this past...
Following the release of his debut album The Wise and The Wicked, it was clear Jauz was...