It has arrived! After hitting us with a blissful collaboration with DEANNA, “Shade,” which served as the...
Aadysi, a DJ/Producer based out of New York, recently released his latest all original EP production called,...
For the past 9 months, brothers Will and James Saulsky of Synchronice have been working on their...
It’s been six whole months since we heard from Kaptain, but the San Francisco funk master has...
Bass heavyweight Chime has returned to the Circus Records powerhouse following his label debut with “Facepunch” to...
As we close the book on another work week, Sullivan King has delivered a much-needed spark to...
Bård Ericson, more commonly known as Boerd, just released a new EP and we’re blown away. The...
Following up on his wildly popular previous singles Lie and Find, shallou releases the third and final...
After leaving the last impression on 2017 for what was a breakout year for TYNAN capped off...
It’s a pretty damn good time to be a dubstep fan in 2018, the scene is thriving...