Germany’s young gun, Felix Jaehn, seems to be an artist who is inherently gifted as he’s climbed...
Surprisingly, many of tropical house’s finest hail from the northernmost parts of Europe. An outlier among his...
While the summer may have come and gone in a blink of an eye, tropical house innovator...
Summer may be over, but that hasn’t stopped Felix Jaehn from bringing a little bit of sunshine...
Felix Jaehn has already earned international success at a young age from his remix of OMI’s “Cheerleader,”...
The pioneer of the phrase “Tropical House”, Thomas Jack, has just announced his newest tour and it...
Calling all Angelenos! If you’re looking for something to do this Saturday, we’ve got the perfect party...
Melodic and tropical house have had their pioneers picked and established since the genre’s came into the...
Ed Sheeran has rocked the music world over the last few years with his meaningful yet beautiful...
Last spring, Felix Jaehn‘s remix of OMI’s “Cheerleader” slingshotted us through the end of spring and straight...