This past summer, Fox Stevenson released his Throwdown EP on Datsik’s Firepower Records with the lead track...
Protohype has been an influential figure in dubstep for quite some time now. Teaming up with the...
Mondays are never easy especially after the 4th of July weekend, but Fox Stevenson may have the...
Twine is really pushing the limits coming out with a huge debut EP on Firepower records, and...
Didn’t we tell you this kid was no joke? Twine, finally showcasing to current and new fans...
Oh my what a day it has been. We’ve gotten some crazy releases today but none that...
Get your monthly bass fix in with Daksik, Cookie Monsta, Protohype, and Must Die! as they raise...
DAMN Protohype what did you do!? This EP is so damn good and it’s catching heat fast!...
As part of Cazzette’s remix competition for ‘Weapon’, this remix stands out in a crowd of mediocre...