It has been a long two years since The M Machine released the groundbreaking EPs ‘Metropolis’ and...
In the ongoing effort in some artists pushing the death-to-genres, Dr. Fresch‘s newest original does exactly that....
Most stories that end with a trip to the precinct in the back of a NYPD cruiser...
Saying it’s been a big past month for Kaskade is an understatement. First he released “Disarm You,”...
Wow, we never expected his return after more than a year of silence but he is now...
The duo of Manila Killa and Candle Weather that makes up Hotel Garuda has been on a...
Henrix’s monster year continues with another track and this bad boy free download! Following the release of...
The Freelife crew Bixel Boys out of Los Angeles have hit us with new music for the...
We’ve gotten the identity of ZHU, and rumors about the identity of marshmello have flooded the blogosphere,...
Pulling on the heartstrings of a bygone era filled with Sony Walkmen, frosted tips, and angsty teenage...