Goldrush, the flagship festival produced by Arizona’s top electronic event organizer, Relentless Beats, continues to deliver an...
Goldrush 2024 is just hours away, kicking off two days filled with incredible music Before you head...
Ray Volpe has been on an upward trajectory for the past few years now and it appears...
As we near the date for Goldrush Festival in Phoenix at the Phoenix Raceway, the festival has...
Fall festival announcements are in full swing as the season nears. Joining in on the fun is...
Goldrush is the staple festival for Arizona’s largest electronic event producer Relentless Beats. Each year the festival...
Goldrush 2023 is quickly approaching and the excitement is beginning to build. As the dates of the...
Ahead of dropping their phase two lineup, the Goldrush social media teamed teased it by posting a...
Goldrush has become the staple event for Relentless Beats in Phoenix, Arizona as the festival features the...
Was there ever really any doubt that Relentless Beats wouldn’t come through and deliver a stellar festival...