The Australian producer, Seek N Destroy, has returned Kannibalen Records to unleash his latest original and as...
You may remember the name Haezer from his phenomenal Hard Rollers EP back in March via Kannibalen...
At long last the wonderful French Canadian king of “Vomitstep” has finally dropped his newest track and...
Kai Wachi and LUMBERJVCK are both serious forces to be reckoned with in the world of heavy...
Apashe is back with yet another stellar release on Kannibalen Records. Although mostly known for a similar...
The party doesn’t stop with Kannibalen Records lately. These guys have been dropping nothing but Trapstep fire...
The consistently awesome heavy Trapstep producer Kai Wachi has really outdone himself on this one. One of...
That’s right, there’s a DJ/Production trio named Black Tiger Sex Machine. Everyone else in the EDM world...