It’s time to take a trip on the dark side! Kaivon follows a string of originals to...
The glory days of summer are right around the corner now that spring has officially sprung and...
Putting your own spin on Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd, now that’s a bold move. While...
The 20-year-old talent that hails from Los Angeles, Justin Caruso, has followed up his stellar remix of...
With The Weeknd’s forthcoming album, Beauty Behind The Madness, right around the corner with a release date...
The Governors Ball is returning to New York City’s legendary Randall’s Island this June 5th through 7th...
You’ve heard the original, I’m certain you’ve heard ZHU’s version, but today, I’d like to introduce you...
Lana Del Rey’s album, Ultraviolence, is topping the charts as one of the top releases of this...
Where there is Lana Del Rey music there is magic and this latest remix of “Ultraviolence” from...
ZHU came out of nowhere 3 months ago and within that time he has become a symbol...