Following up on their recent bootleg of Zomboy’s “Battlefields” with DOGMA, ELEVATD has struck again with a...
The dynamic duo of Marshmello and SVDDEN DEATH is at it again to bring us “Crusade” for...
Still buzzing off the release of his with country artist Kane Brown, Marshmello has released “Tongue Tied”...
You read that right! One of the best bands of the last decade is coming to our...
After proving to be one of the most versatile names in the game dominating the entertainment industry...
With his highly anticipated release of Joytime III right around the corner, Marshmello has just added some...
Considered by many to be the king of collaboration in the world of electronic dance music being...
Another mega-collaboration coming in hot! Adding to an already impressive discography when it comes to collaborative productions,...
In what many expected to be another epic collaboration from Marshmello with Bay Area rappers SOB x...
While there is indeed no shortage of recorded sets from Ultra Miami to power us through the...