Still buzzing off their collaberation “Don’t Wanna Fall” with Seven Lions, Last Heroes comnitues to impress with...
Fresh off of the release of Inukshuk’s “Alive,” Ophelia Records has unveiled Fatum and Dylan Matthew‘s “Train...
Needing no introduction when it comes to the loyal community of Seven Lions‘ Ophelia imprint, Last Heroes...
Ophelia Records fan favorites Crystal Skies have teamed up with Mazare to deliver their high-octane collaboration “Hear...
Still buzzing off the release of his Bridges In Time EP, Far Out makes his debut on...
It’s been quite the time to be a fan of Seven Lions for the past year or...
After hitting us with the release of Last Heroes’ “Dreaming,” Seven Lions’ Ophelia Records has struck again...
Quickly becoming quite the Ophelia fan-favorite over the past year, Wooli journey into the melodic realm of...
Last month, Trivecta made quite a lasting impression with the release of his solo debut on Ophelia...
If you’re a fan of Seven Lion‘s Ophelia Records or the melodic bass genre as a whole,...