Jared Cooper, most commonly known with his DJ moniker, Jcoop, and one of the rising EDM artists...
Babz, a DJ/Producer based in Mattawan, Michigan, recently shared an exciting new original mix called “For You”....
TOMBZ, the bass music trio from Milwaukee, is back in our system and this time with a...
Henry Smola, the DJ/Producer from Massachusetts, teases us with a new track, from his upcoming EP called,...
BAST, alongside with some of her friends from the C.O.A.S.T. or the Collective Operations Aligning Supernatural Thought,...
EarButter, a DJ/Producer from Los Angeles and this week’s TSS Featured Artist, stayed true to his name...
Exploding Audio Records, also known as EAR, recently released Klimbitz’ latest EP called, “The Jungle”. It features...
I’ve posted Trey’s music over the past few months because well.. I thought it was some pretty...
Argüello gives us a sneak peak on his upcoming original track, called, “Hypem”, a collaboration with his...
SENSUS, a 21 year old DJ/Producer, hailing all the way from Baku, Azerbaijan, just slapped us with...