Gabriel Gagnon, otherwise known as Errance, is releasing his debut, self-titled album on May 17th, 2024, through...
More than a year has passed since Spencer Brown released his debut LP, Illusion Of Perfection. San...
Keeping things consistent, Arty has struck again with yet another blissful beauty coming in the form of...
Alesso has done it again! While his recent radio-friendly gem with TINI, “Sad Song,” continues to climb...
For everyone who has been looking for some new Tommy Trash music or wondering where the Australian...
Add another amazing label to Julian Gray’s portfolio as the mau5trap try-hard is on Zerothree Music. This...
This brother duo out of the great city of New York has been growing rapidly over the...
It’s not too often where we see budding talent hailing from Dublin, Ireland, but that’s all about...
For fans of Julian Gray of Julian Gray Media, this has been a long time coming. As...
Paris Blohm is one name synonymous with TSS with us following his journey as an artist from...