15 minutes ago Christopher Mercer, better known by his world-renowned stage name Rusko, dropped the first track ‘Like This’ off his forthcoming Kapow EP, set to drop for free next month on November 4th. While sticking to his background in dubstep for the most part, Rusko also fills this original banger with...
To celebrate Rusko’s new album Songs, featuring his hit single ‘Somebody To Love,’ Mad Decent has released another track off the album titled ‘Skanker’ for free. This free release is a reggae-infused dubstep banger that speakers volumes for what to expect on his new album. If you’re digging this track, be sure...
It’s about that time of week again for me to drop some filth on your day with FILTHY FRIDAY #6! You might want to jump in the shower after listening to these tracks to wash off the dirt and grim. I took some time and picked only songs that I thoroughly enjoyed...
It’s about that time of week again for me to drop some filth on your day with FILTHY FRIDAY #6! You might want to jump in the shower after listening to these filthy dubstep tracks to wash the dirt off. I threw in a bunch of melodic lyrical filth this week because...