Talk about a star-studded collaboration, Seven Lions, Slander and Dabin‘s highly anticipated “First Time” has arrived in...
The man is back. Seven Lions is a monster when it comes to producing and this new...
Continuing to ride his scorching hot momentum throughout 2018, Seven Lions has just unveiled his latest single...
Spring Awakening in Chicago was a great time last week. It was actually my first time at...
Following up on their epic remix Protohype and Kezwik‘s “Blink,” Crystal Skies has stuck again unleashing a...
Following the launch of his Ophelia label just last month, Seven Lions has struck again with the...
Seven Lions decided he wanted a label to call his own where he can also release anything...
Can anyone remember the last time Seven Lions name wasn’t in sprinkled throughout the blogosphere? He seems...
It’s a big day for Seven Lions fans! The talented artist just dropped the first installment of...
Lights All Night (LAN), the largest end-of-year music festival in Texas, is excited to officially reveal the...