This past weekend the iconic Swedish duo Axwell and Ingrosso’s paying a visit New York City’s Terminal...
Prepare to get lifted as Wiz Khalifa puts his personal spin on The Chainsmoker’s hit tune, “Closer”...
While Diplo might have a new friend on his coveted podcast Diplo and Friends every week, it’s...
Only four short months ago, Alex Pall shared The Chainsmokers video of their AMA acceptance speech for “Favorite...
It’s no secret The Chainsmokers are on top of the world right now. Between their continuous stream of...
It’s not breaking news to us that The Chainsmokers have revolutionized dance music, but now the entire...
SMR LVE recently delivered a vibeful rendition of The Chainsmokers & Coldplay’s latest collaboration hit, “Something Just...
The Chainsmokers are on fire and this time they team up with legendary group Coldplay! With a...
After seeing the success of their remix of Adventure Club’s “Dreams,” we were hoping Fransis Derelle and...
When The Chainsmokers dropped “Paris” we knew immediately it was going to be another Billboard hit. The...