How fitting! 16-year-old UK trap-star Ollie Hucci with his signature “good” DJ drop has released his official...
This premiered on MistaJams 1xtra BBC radio slot the other night and you just can’t help but...
Atlanta’s most buzzing group, Migos, has been the talk of every blog, website and publication for the...
Lorin (Bassnectar) is back with this bass infused trap remix of the well known and loved classic...
Corporate Slackrs, the trio that everyone has been talking about lately are really impressing me as of...
The masked master known as Ookay is back, and apparently he’s been getting crazy in the studio...
Our friend DJ Skinnie who just got off a nationwide tour with Cisco Adler, following his tour...
Yeezus just rose once again with this crazy trap remix from THUGLI ! Follow @ahintzzz
I first heard of the Maison Cartel when one of our authors, Jessika, sent me some videos...
Time for the Yeezus remixes to start rolling out. One song that really got the hype was...