You may have noticed a handle of Alison Wonderland remixes popping up as of late with each...
No one does trap quite like QUIX and just in case there was anyone who had their...
You know we love us some Perses here at TSS so it only seems right that we...
Kai Wachi is set to pop his cherry for his music career. His debut album, DEMIGOD has...
Seeming to pop up on the pages here at TSS more often than not, Gladez continues to...
There is certainly no shortage of blossoming talent in the world of bass music with STUCA emerging...
Just when you thought you had Duke & Jones all figured out, the Manchester duo continues to...
Kai Wachi is back to release his next single off his debut album, DEMIGOD. The next track...
Miguel Oliveira aka Holly is a 24 year-old musician from Portugal. After only a few years in...
Once upon a time, Dotcom dominated the pages of TSS with a bevy of blistering trap tunes...