After popping up during his unforgettable set from Ultra Music Festival last month, Alesso has released his...
After teaming with Benny Blanco and Vance Joy for “You,” Marshmello has joined forces with Ty Dolla...
Certainly no stranger to collaborations with these two, Skrillex has reunited with Boys Noize and Ty Dolla...
With Beach House 3 set to drop just before Halloween, Ty Dolla $ign has been on his...
Over these past couple of months, Cashmere Cat has been giving listener’s a taste of what’s to...
When it comes to cliques from within the hip hop world Taylor Gang has always been one...
Since the release of the HARD Summer trailer and lineup announcement, HARD loyalists and attendees found themselves...
These dudes have been extremely busy this summer between their individual projects, tours and even the occasional...
For weeks now, Gary Richards and the team at HARD have been hinting at some pretty big...
We’re firmly entrenched in an electronic-dominated era of music, as each subsequent festival season brings with it...